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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

It's unimaginable for us.
Fridays are not easy days for her.

Es inimaginable para nosotros.
Los viernes no son días fáciles para ella.
m/para: affecting/impacting

It's objective: change the reality of young people in the favelas.
- to change (not "cambiar")

Su objetivo: mudar la realidad de jóvenes de las favelas.
- mudar

the only subsidiary of the Bolshoi
- the subsidiary

la única filial de Bolshoi
- la filial

such a renowned school
- renowned
- the renown

una escuela tan renombrada
- renombrado/a
- el renombre

the canvas, the tarp

la lona (2)

the post, the pole
the light pole

el poste
el poste de luz

He's very different from how she knew him online.

Es muy distinto a como lo conocía por Internet.

They enter together and sit at/in the bar.
- the bar (i.e., the counter)

Entran juntos y se sientan en la barra.
- la barra

OK, as you like.
Hint: not "como quieras" "que quieras"

Okay, como gustes.
(note subj)

She turns her face.

Ella da vuelta su rostro.

the insomniac
the insomnia

el, la insomne
el insomnio

to limp
the limp

la cojera

the wardrobe (furniture), the cloakroom

el guardarropa (2)

m/It's the only thing that was missing to make it a total ruin (lit: to ruin everything)

Es lo único que le faltaba para arruinar todo.

You've experienced difficulties that few people can understand.
- to experience (not implied that overcame) (to traverse, to cross) (not "experimentar")

Has atravesado dificultades que poca gente puede entender.
- atravesar

Anyway, don't worry.
- anyway (not "de todos modos" "de todas maneras" "igualmente")

De todas formas, no te preocupes.
- de todas formas

the unanimity

la unanimidad

Pass me the remote?
- the remote (the command)

¿Me pasas el mando?
- el mando

He described himself as a messenger of God.
- to describe oneself
- the messenger
(to describe pp: described)

Se describió a sí mismo como un mensajero de Dios.
- describirse a sí mismo
- el mensajero, la mensajera
(describir pp: descrito)

She already disappointed her parents several times.
- to defraud, to disappoint/let down

Ya defraudó a sus padres varias veces.
- defraudar (2)

I'll manage.
Hint: th/ an idiom like: "se las ingenió para" (contrived to )
- to manage

Me las arreglaré.
- arreglárselas

You can pull strings to get him out.
Hint: do not translate

Puedes manejar los hilos para sacarlo.

There was a pickup truck engulfed in flames.
Hint: not "sumida"
- to wrap (up), to engulf

Había una camioneta envuelta en llamas.
- envolver (2)
pp. envuelto

With the money she earns, it's enough for all her expenses
- to be enough (intrans) (to reach, to catch, to catch up)

Con el dinero que gana, le alcanza para todos sus gastos.
- alcanzar

to revoke
the revocation (2)

la revocación, la revocatoria (L.A.)

the face-to-face course

el curso presencial

They had to dig up the whole street.
- to dig up
- the ditch

Hubo que zanjar toda la calle.
- zanjar
- la zanja

the experiment (not "la experiencia")

el experimento

I'm a mess. (not "estoy deshecho")
alt: I'm confused.

Estoy hecho/a un lío. (2)

the lottery draw

el sorteo de la lotería
