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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the wireless headphones
- wireless

los audífonos inalámbricos
- inalámbrico/a

They prefer to work slowly rather than lose money.
- rather than (not "más bien que")

Prefieren trabajar lento antes que perder plata.
- antes que

The waitress picks up her pace a bit.
- to pick up the pace

La camerera apura un poco el paso.
- apurar el paso

the information monitoring system
- the monitoring
- to monitor

el sistema de monitoreo de información
- el monitoreo
- monitorear

one of the tables farthest away
lit: most distant
- distant (not "distante")

una de las mesas más alejadas
- alejado/a

She tripped and fell.
- the trip

Ella tuvo un traspié y se cayó.
- el traspié

The plate ended up in pieces ...

El plato terminó hecho pedazos ...

and the food spilled on the floor.
- to spill (not "derramar(se)")

y la comida desparramada por el suelo.
- desparramar(se)
(above: "desparramada" is an adj)

to stigmatize
the stigmatization
(the stigma)

la estigmatización
(el estigma)

an order that Biden repealed on being sworn in
- to repeal
- the repeal
- to swear in

una orden que Biden derogó al ser investido
- derogar
- la derogación
- investir ( yo invisto

I wanted to know what you thought.
lit: what has looked like to you

Quería saber qué te ha parecido.

the hunter-gatherers

los cazadores-recolectores

- He has done it.
- He must have done it.
alt: He probably has done it.
lit: He will have done it.

Él lo ha hecho.
Él lo habrá hecho.
Using future perfect, rather than present perfect, to describe an action in the recent past, denotes uncertainty.
(future perfect to denote uncertainty)

I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep.
- to fall asleep (not "quedarse dormido": to fall asleep, to lie in)

Lo siento. Me habré dormido.
(future perfect to denote uncertainty)
- dormirse

Who could have written such a thing?
Hint: not "quién podría haber escrito?

¿Quién habrá escrito tal cosa?
(note future perfect to denote uncertainty)

Manuel must have called. (3)

1. Manuel habrá llamado.
2. Manuel ha debido llamar.
(deber in pres perf + inf)
3. Manuel debe haber llamado.
(deber in pres + haber + pp)

His plane must have been delayed. (3)

1. Su avión se habrá retrasado.
2. Su avión ha debido retrasarse.
(deber in pres perf + inf)
3. Su avión debe haberse retrasado.
(deber in pres + haberse + pp)

and this led to the development of semi-permanent settlements
- to lead to (not "desembocar en" "abocar en" <- both: to lead to, to end in)
- the settlement, the village, the town

y esto dio pie al desarrollo de poblados semi-permanentes
- dar pie a
- el poblado

the cultivable (arable) land

la tierra cultivable (arable)

the tillage of the land

el labrado de la tierra

m/She left because (she is) useless.

Se fue por inútil.

The truck ran over two pedestrians who were crossing.
- to run over (not "atropellar")

El camión arrolló a dos peatones que estaban cruzando.
- arrollar (trans)

with the excess of food
- the excess (not "el exceso")
the excess stock
- excess (note: "exceso" is not an adjective)

con el excedente de comida
- el excedente
el stock excedente
- excedente

Anyway, the first pay is only at the end of the month.
Hint: not "sólo"

Igualmente, el primer pago es recién a fin de mes.

the shock (the commotion)

la conmoción (not "the commotion")

Her manners are not very refined but she compensates for it with other things.

Sus modales no son muy refinados pero lo compensa con otras cosas.
(refinar, compensar)
