VB: Zak- Chapter 1

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# Right & # Wrong of #


the process of giving a mechanism the directions to accomplish a task


the directions

computer program

a set of instructions that tells a computer how to accomplish a task


write the programs

programming languages

languages used to communicate with a computer; Visual Basic is a programming language

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

an environment that contains all of the tools and features you need to create, run, and test your program; also called an IDE

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

an environment that contains all of the tools and features you need to create, run, and test your program; also called an IDE

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

what the user sees and interacts with while your program is running; also called GUI


a GUI along with its program instructions


the process of translating a solution into a language that the computer can understand

Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP)

a programming language that allows the programmer to use objects to accomplish a program's goal; also called OOP


anything that can be seen, touched, or used


a pattern that the computer uses to create (instantiate) an object


an object created (instantiated) from a class


the process of creating an object from a class

designer window

used to create an application's GUI


the foundation for the user interface in a Windows Form application

toolbox window

contains the tools used when creating an interface


objects (such as a picture box or a button) added to a form


the attributes that determine an object's appearance and behavior

properties window

lists an object's attributes (properties)

solution explorer

displays a list of the projects contained in the current solution and the items contained in each project


program instructions

code editor window

where you enter code for your application

camel case

used when entering object names; the objects ID; examples- btn, pic, ...; first three letters lowercase, next letter is a capital

name property

assigns a name to an object; name is used to refer to object in code


the rules of a programming language

sub procedure

a block of code the performs a specific task


a predefined procedure that you can call (invoke) when needed


a line of text that serves to internally document a program; begins with an apostrophe
