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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the van, the truck
(la camioneta - the van, the pickup truck)

el furgón (2)

I made the payment one week before its due date.
- the due date, the expiration date (not "la caducidad")

Realicé el pago una semana antes de su vencimiento.
- el vencimiento (2)



I'm inviting you to the party because I want you to come, otherwise I wouldn't do it.
- otherwise (not "de otra manera")

Te invito a la fiesta porque quiero que vengas, de lo contrario no lo haría.
- de lo contrario

There are only two options:
(1) that Jose travels to Canada;
(2) that she travels to Columbia.

Sólo hay dos opciones:
(1) que José viaje a Canadá
(2) que ella viaje a Colombia.
Note: use of subjunctive for options (but not if options in the past)

m/ The pandemic is getting worse just as classes return.
lit: in the moment of returning to classes
- to get worse, to intensify
Hint: not "arreciar", (r...)

La pandemia se recrudece en el momento de volver a clases.
- recrudecerse

The smoke clouded her vision.
- to cloud
- to become cloudy

El humo le nubló la vision.
- nublar (trans)
- nublarse



You have to shoe horses to protect their hooves.
- to shoe
- the hoof (the helmet)

Hay que herrar a los caballos para protegerles los cascos.
- herrar (e->ie) yo hierro
- el casco

But April has a ready response.
lit: an armed response

Pero Avril ya tiene una respuesta armada.

April's parents are made for each other.

Los padres de Avril son el uno para el otro.

those who know him

los que lo conocen

I became anxious because my daughter hadn't called me.
- anxious (not "ansioso") (disquieted, unsettled)

Me puse inquieto porque mi hija no me había llamadao.
- inquieto/a

April takes a deep breath.
lit: breathes deeply
- deeply, profoundly

Avril respira profundo.
- profundamente (2) (but "profundo" used here as an adverb)

the forest fire
- (of) forest
(the forest)

el incendio forestal
- forestal
(el bosque, la selva (tropical))

and that's why you're neglecting your studies
- to neglect
- to neglect one's appearance (to be careless)

y por eso descuidas tus estudios
- descuidar (trans)
- descuidarse

the slam
to shut the door with a slam
to slam the door

el portazo
cerrar la puerta de un portazo
dar un portazo

Then she shuts herself up in her room.
- to shut oneself up
(to lock up)

Luego se encierra en su habitación.
- encerrarse





the powder keg

el polvorín

the catalog
to catalog

el catálogo

I asked the seamstress to fringe the tablecloth.
Hint; past subjunctive
- the seamstress
- to fringe
- the fringe
- the tablecloth

Le pedí a la costurera que franjara el mantel.
- la costurera
- franjar
- la franja
- el mantel

He has hair dyed white.
- dyed
- to dye

Tiene el pelo teñido de blanco.
- teñido/a
- teñir(se) e->i yo (me) tiño

the Ottoman Empire

el imperio otomano

the European Powers
- the power (nation, capability)

las potencias europeas
- la potencia

consensual sexual relations
- consensual (2)

relaciones sexuales consensuadas
- consensual, consensuado/a

The senators tried to reach a consensus on the clauses of the bill.
- to reach a consensus on
- the clause

Los senadores trataron de consensuar las cláusulas del proyecto de ley.
- consensuar
- la cláusula

the UN partition plan (1947)

el plan de partición de ONU (1947)

a case of road rage

un caso de furia al volante

to proclaim
the proclamation

la proclamación
