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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

They were living in tiny houses grouping two or three families.
- to group (together) (trans)
- grouped into

Vivían en casas pequeñisimas agrupando dos o tres familias.
- agrupar (trans)
- agrupados/as en

the pitiful present

el lamentable presente

In 2052, being an astronaut is what is in fashion.
alt: is all the rage.

En el año 2052, ser astronauta es lo que está de moda.

No special skill is needed [to have], nothing out of this world (lit: nothing from another world).

No se necesita tener ninguna habilidad especial, nada del otro mundo.
(necesitar - incomplete passive)

to dust the furniture
- to dust (L.A.) (to shake)

sacudir los muebles
- sacudir (L.A.)

ridiculously high

ridículamente alto/a

The sprayed water can propel objects.
- to propel
- the propulsion
(to spray, to sprinkle)

El agua rociada puede propulsar objetos.
- propulsar
- la propulsión

the cosmic energy
- cosmic

la energía cósmica
- cósmico/a

It's the only chance to escape.
- to escape, to be saved (religious)

Es la única posibilidad de salvarse.
- salvarse (2)

It makes me happy, if only for a while.

Me hace feliz aunque sea por un tiempo.

in order to attract volunteers
- to attract (not "atraer") (to capture)

para captar voluntarios
- captar

the application (not "la solicitud" "la aplicación")
- to apply for the scholarship (2)

la postulación
- postular a la beca, solicitar la beca

the asteroid

el asteroide

the capsule (like English: medicine, space)

la cápsula

but deep down they know
- deep down (in the background)

pero en el fondo saben
- en el fondo

a home in which importance was not given to money

un hogar en el que no se le daba importancia al dinero
(darse - incomplete passive)

Pause it and continue later.

Ponle pausa y luego sigues.

repair what had been damaged
- to be damaged (to spoil)

reparar lo que se había dañado
- dañarse

the polar vortex

el vórtice polar

the elegance

la elegancia

his first work/film
Hint: do not use "obra"

su ópera prima

He would have the ground free to seduce them. (i.e., no competition)

Tendría el terreno libre para seducirlas.

So that none of this becomes public ...

Para que nada de esto se haga público ...
(hacerse - note subj)

... the families are prohibited from speaking.
- to be prohibited from

... las familias tienen prohibido hablar.
- tener prohibido

to pump
the pump (the bomb)
(the firefighter)

la bomba
(el bombero)

scientists anticipate that by 2070

los científicos anticipan que para el 2070
m/para: by a specific time

the biggest space mission so far

la mayor misión espacial hasta el momento

They have no experience as an astronaut, but that's beside the point/not important.
lit: what is least

No tienen experiencia como astronauta pero eso es lo de menos.

There are a handful of rich (people).
- the handful
(the fist)

Hay un puñado de ricos.
- el puñado
(el puño)

From there to start earning money [there] is only a step.

De ahí a empezar a ganar dinero hay un solo paso.
