G-4 Science CH. #1 Vocabulary - Living Things Need Energy

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How energy from the sun moves through living things

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everything that surrounds a living thing


the way plants use sunlight to make food


the path of energy in the form of food going from one living thing to another

food chain

any living thing that makes, or produces, its own food (autotroph)


a living thing that eats other living things (heterotroph)


a living thing that breaks down dead plants and animals


an animal that eats mostly plants


an animal that eats other animals


an animal that eats both plants and animals


a way of showing how food chains in any place are linked together

food web

to try to get the same thing that others want or need


any kind of living thing that is too small to be seen with just our eyes


any of the smallest kinds of microorganisms


a kind of microorganism larger than bacteria


a plantlike living thing that breaks down dead plants and animals
