PBS Nova Cybersecurity Lab Terms

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antivirus software

computer programs that can block, detect, and remove viruses and other malware

backups / backing up files

extra copies of computer files that can be used to restore files that are lost or damaged


the amount of data that can pass through a network or part of a network per second


multiple computers on a network that are infected with a program that can be controlled remotely. The infected computers are usually used to cause damage that couldn't be achieved with a single computer.

computer network

two or more interconnected devices that can exchange data

computer virus

a computer program that can copy itself and cause harm in various ways, such as stealing private information or destroying data


a distributed denial of service attack attempts to make an online service, like a website, unavailable by overwhelming it with a flood of traffic from a team of computers


the process of using codes to make readable information unreadable. Encrypted information cannot be read until it is decrypted using a secret key.


software designed to block malware from entering protected networks


someone who uses computers and computer networks to disrupt services or share secret information in an effort to draw attention to political and social issues

internet service provider (ISP)

a company or organization that gives users and devices access to the internet

keylogger malware

a program that records every key struck on a keyboard and sends that information to an attacker


software that harms computers, networks, or people. Includes viruses, worms, ransomware, and other computer programs.


attempting to trick people into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, often by using emails or fake websites that look like they are from trusted organizations


a type of malware that holds victims' computer files hostage by locking access to them or encrypting them. It then demands a ransom if the victims want their files back.


a computer or computer program that provides specific services on a network, such as an email server that directs emails and a web server that serves up web pages


consists of code written in a programming language that instructs computers to perform specific tasks

software patch

a piece of software designed to update a computer program in order to fix a software vulnerability or improve the program

software vulnerability

a flaw or weakness in a computer program that hackers or malware can exploit to gain access to a system or damage it


unsolicited emails sent to many addresses. The purpose of most spam is to make money through advertising or identity theft.

USB drive

a data storage device that is used to store, back up, and transfer computer files

USB port

a type of connection between devices that can exchange information and power supply