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Right: #
Wrong: #
# Right & # Wrong of #

the way he half-closed his eyes alt: to squint
- to half-close (not "entrecerrar" - to close halfway)

la forma en que entornaba los ojos
- entornar

the seducer, the seductress
(the seduction, to seduce)

el seductor, la seductora
(la seducción, seducir)

Normally, Robbie had a medium or high-pitched voice.
- intermediate, medium (not "mediano")
- high-pitched (relating to sound) (sharp, acute)

Normalmente, Robbie tenía una voz intermedia o aguda.
- intermedio/a (2)
- agudo/a (Paco/Paranornal: barely hear the 'g')

(not "resplandeciente - resplendent, radiant)


Karen asked him head-on.
- frontally, head-on (not "de frente" - squarely, head-on)

Karen le preguntó frontalmente.
- frontalmente (2)

Finally, the doubt had been removed.

Finalmente, se había sacado la duda.
(sacarse - m/pronominal passive)



the material nature of our bodies

la materialidad de nuestros cuerpos

riddled with bullets
- to riddle

acribillado de balas
- acribillar (trans)

It went beyond anything she had read or heard.

Iba más allá de cualquier cosa que hubiera leído o escuchado.
(note subj - ?/Why? maybe uncertain about what she had read or heard. Alt: using "hubiera" instead of "habría")

the parallelism, the parallel (not "el paralelo")

el paralelismo (2)

when a new question came to her mind

cuando se le vino a la mente una nueva pregunta
(venirse - m/pronominal passive)

the equivalent

el equivalente

the same Ann who was pursuing all the men
- to pursue (to persecute)
(the persecution, the pursuit)

la misma Ann que perseguía a todos los hombres
- perseguir
(la persecucuión)

perhaps in her, the characteristics are not displayed in such an accentuated manner
- the characteristic
- to accentuate
- the accentuation
- to be displayed (to seem, to act)

tal vez en ella las características no se muestran de forma tan acentuada
- la característica
- acentuar
- la acentuación
- mostrarse - m/pronominal passive

to accent (to accentuate)


to confess
the confession

confesar (e->ie) yo confieso pp: confesado, confeso
la confesión

At least tell me what it's about.

Al menos dime de qué se trata.

(to prevent, to warn)


OK. Whatever you say.

Okay. Lo que tú digas.
(note subj)

The talks with Daniela were more and more spaced out.
(i.e., less often)
(to space out)

Las charlas con Daniela eran cada vez más espaciadas.

An ideal place to entertain guests.
- to entertain (not "entretener")

Un sitio ideal para agasajar a invitados.
- agasajar (trans)

That day Karen had seen him in very good condition.
lit: had seen him very well

Ese día Karen lo había visto muy bien.

She could make Robbie show up at the bar again.
lit: that Robbie showed up again
- to show up (to demonstrate)

Ella podría hacer que Robbie volviera a manifestarse en el bar.
- manifestarse
(note subj after "hacer que")

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

mejor prevenir que curar

It was as if the earth had swallowed him up.
- to swallow up

Era como si se lo hubiera tragado la tierra.
- tragarse th/se aspectual (note past perf subj)

extremely (not "extremamente" "sumamente - extremely, highly")


This serum will vitalize your skin.
- the serum (not "el suero" - the serum, the saline solution)
- to vitalize (i.e., to give strenth and energy to)
- the skin

Este serum vitalizará su piel.
- el serum
- vitalizar
- la piel

- to revitalize
- devitalized, lifeless

- revitalizar
- desvitalizado/a (2)

- the beating (not "la paliza")

- la golpiza (L.A.)
